Disclosure in accordance with § 25 of the Media Act and information pursuant to § 5 of the E-Commerce Act ("ECG")
Media owner, publisher
Metahofgasse 16, 8020 Graz
Company register number: 38644f
Company register court: Graz Regional Court for Civil Legal Matters
DVR 0680061
UID-Nr. ATU 37756905
+43 316 812138-0
Jakoministraße 1, 8010 Graz
+43 50 678910
Managing director: DI Dr. Peter Gspaltl
Supervisory board: MMag.a Judith Fiala, Mag. Peter Lackner, Mag.a Susanne Radocha, Mag.a Eva Riegler (Deputy Chairman), DIin Cornelia Rößler, DI Andreas Tropper (Chairperson), Mag. Josef Wallner, Wolfgang Waxenegger, DI Benjamin Valda; delegated by works council: Mag.a Ingeborg Geiger, Ing. Klaus Magg, Margit Vala
Shareholders: Province of Styria (100%)
Business purpose: Organisation of the Styrian Transport Association, in particular provision of advisory support for the responsible authorities in the planning of new transport services, harmonization and coordination of existing lines, marketing of new and existing transport and tariff services, collection and publication of timetable information, software development for output systems, accounting and distribution of income from the Transport Association tariff, as well as free travel for schoolchildren and apprentices, and fiduciary handling of financial flows between municipal authorities and transport companies
Editorial policy in accordance with § 25 Para. 4 of the Media Act: This website at www.verbundlinie.at contains all information and online offers relating to the range of services offered by the Styrian Transport Association.
Conception, technical implementation: akaryon GmbH, Langenwang; www.akaryon.com
Design: atelier cremsner, Kapfenberg; www.cremsner.at
Photos (unless otherwise indicated): Robert Frankl, Graz; www.foto-frankl.at
Disclaimer/ Terms of Use
Verkehrsverbund Steiermark GmbH ("VSTG") endeavours to provide accurate and complete information on this website, but assumes no responsibility or liability and provides no guarantee for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information presented on this website, including all database entries. Subject to change without notice. Links to this website welcomed.
Automated querying of the content of this website (e.g. of "verkehrsauskunft.verbundlinie.at") is prohibited, we otherwise reserve the right to prevent such querying of our site. Excluded from this are queries used to adopt coordinates and names of attended stopping positions in Styria according to OpenStreetMap, which acknowledge the source as www.verbundlinie.at and which state the timing of the query, provided that these queries do not interfere with the function of the website and take place principally between 01:00 and 04:00 hours.
Links to external pages only constitute "signposts" to these pages; they are therefore always displayed by means of an external link in a separate browser window. VSTG does not identify with the content of the linked pages and assumes no liability for it. Should any linked page contain questionable or illegal content, please inform us; in such a case, the link will be deleted immediately.
Out-of-court online dispute resolution
The European Commission's platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution:
Imprint Traffic Information Austria (VAO)
Europaplatz 3/3, 1150 Wien
Traffic Information Austria ("VAO") strives to provide accurate and complete information on this website, though assumes no responsibility or liability and provides no guarantee whatsoever for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information presented on this website, including all database entries. VAO shall, under no circumstances be liable for any damages whatsoever arising from the use of this website, or from its content or availability.
The information, texts, images and graphics provided on the verkehrsauskunft.verbundlinie.at website are copyright protected and may only be used with written permission from VAO and solely for private, non-commercial purposes.
The content provided at "verkehrsauskunft.verbundlinie.at" may not be reproduced, whether in its entirety (structure, graphics, design, texts) or in parts, or stored, processed, duplicated or distributed using electronic systems without the written permission of VAO.
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